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生命の強さ 優しさ そして・・・温もり











工房ムラマツ 主宰


What I want to express is

the powerfulness and the gentleness of life and... the warmth.

The theme of my creations is 'the world of nature'

I use a lot of motifs of nature such as plants and insects for my works.

Those colors and shapes in nature which can never be produced by humans are my grestest source of inspiration.

In the world of nature, I have a very small existence and feel that I am made to live as an organism on Earth.

Basic jewelry techniques are important to embody the images, and the right materials and techniques should be selected accordingly.

I consider jewelry as a field of metalworking and continue to challenge new techniques every day.

I handle all the processes from design to metal processing and enamel work with my own hands and create original jewlry.

It is my hope to create such artworks that will move people′s hearts and deliver 

'life force’, 'gentleness’ and 'warmth’ through them.

Owner/creator,Studio Muramatsu

Tsukasa Muramatsu


1964   山梨県に生まれる

1985   日本クラフト展 新人賞受賞

1985   山梨県立宝石美術専門学校 デザイン科修了

1986   山梨県立宝石美術専門学校 研究科修了

1990 工房ムラマツ開業

2005   イタリア・オロジェンマ展出展(JJDA出展参加)

2010   スイス展示会参加(時計博物館Espace Horlogerにて)

2013   甲州夢小路内アンティークジュエリー美術館に作品「鶏」所蔵

2013   山梨県ジュエリーミュージアムに作品「クマガイソウ」所蔵

2022 山梨県ジュエリーミュージアム スーパーバイザー就任

2022 GIT's World Jewelry Design Aword's2022 審査員

​   (タイ国立宝石研究所 ワールドジュエリーデザインアワード)






1964 Born in Yamanashi prefecture.

1985 The New Artist Award, Japan Craft Exhibition

1985 Completed the Design course, Yamanashi Institute of Gemology and jewelry Art

1986 Completed the Research course, Yamanashi Institute of Gemology and jewelry Art

1990 Opened Studio Muramatsu

2005 Exhibited at Vincenza-Orogemma Fair, Italy  (as a part of (JJDA)

2010 Participated at a Swiss Fair  (at Espace Horloger Watch Museum, Switzerland) 

2013 A piece, 'Rooster' collected at Antique Jewelry Museum, Koshu Yume Kouji, Kofu.

2013 A piece, 'Japanese cypripedium' collected at Yamanashi Jewelry Museum

2022 Appointed supervisor of Yamanashi Jewelry Museum

2022 ​GIT's World Jewelry Design Awoed's2022 contest judge

Certified technician, First Grade (Nationally certfied skill assessment)

Jewelry Master (Yamanashi prefectural government certfied)

Part-time lecturer at Yamanashi Institute of Gemology and Jewelry Art(2007~2019)

Member of Japan Jewelry Designers Association

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